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The workshop will take place on Tuesday, September 24, 2019.

Session 1
Chair: Nan Niu

8:30 - 9:30

Environment-Centric Self-Adaptivity for Autonomous Systems in Smart Spaces
Zhi Jin
[Abstract and bio]

9:30 - 10:00

Classifying Multilingual User Feedback using Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning [preprint]
Christoph Stanik, Marlo Haering, Walid Maalej

10:00 - 10:15

Coffee break

Session 2
Chair: Fatma Başak Aydemir

10:15 - 11:15

Toward Requirement Specifications for Machine-Learned Components
Mona Rahimi, Jin L.C. Guo, Sahar Kokaly, Marsha Chechik

Requirements Engineering for Machine Learning: Perspectives from Data Scientists [preprint]
Andreas Vogelsang, Markus Borg

11:15 - 11:30

Stretch-your-legs break

Session 3:
Chair: Fabiano Dalpiaz

11:30 - 13:00

Requirements Engineering Challenges in Building AI-Based Complex Systems [preprint]
Hrvoje Belani, Marin Vuković, Željka Car

Toward Improved Artificial Intelligence in Requirements Engineering: Metadata for Tracing Datasets
Jane Huffman Hayes, Jared Payne, Mallory Leppelmeier

Automated Generation of Test Models from Semi-Structured Requirements [preprint]
Jannik Fischbach, Maximilian Junker, Andreas Vogelsang, Dietmar Freudenstein

13:00 - 13:15

Wrap up

(Each regular talk will be 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion)

Due to extreme weather conditions, the workshop was shortened by the organizing committee. As such, we have decided to make the presentations of the authors who could not join the workshop available here:

Identifying and Understanding Stakeholders using Process Mining
Shinobu Saito [video] [pdf]

Implementation-centric Classification of Business Rules from Documents
Preethu Rose Anish, Abhishek Sainani, Abdul Ahmed, Smita Ghaisas [pdf]

On the Use of Word Embeddings for Identifying Domain Specific Ambiguities in Requirements
Siba Mishra, Arpit Sharma [pdf]


Speaker: Zhi Jin

Title: Environment-Centric Self-Adaptivity for Autonomous Systems in Smart Spaces

Abstract: Recent advances reveal exciting visions of smart spaces in which self-adaptivity is one of the key features. Such self-adaptivity is environment-centric for it is challenged by the dynamics and uncertainty of the real world. This keynote summarizes the characteristics of smart spaces and puts forward some key challenges.

About the speaker: Zhi Jin is a professor of Computer Science at Peking University and the deputy director of Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (MoE) at Peking University. Her research work is primarily concerned with requirements engineering and knowledge-based software engineering. Recently, she pays more attention to the modeling of self-adaptive systems. She is/was principle investigator of over 15 national competitive grants including the chief scientist of a national basic research project (973 project) of the MoST of China and the project leader of three key projects of NSF China. She is co-author of four books and author/co-author over 150 journal and conference publications. She served for RE2016 as General Chair and in many other conferences as PC co-Chair or PC members. She is Associate Editor of IEEE TSE (2018- ), executive editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Software (2013- ), and serves in the Editorial Board of REJ (2014- ).

Accepted Papers

On the Use of Word Embeddings for Identifying Domain Specific Ambiguities in Requirements
by Siba Mishra and Arpit Sharma.

Toward Improved Artificial Intelligence in Requirements Engineering: Metadata for Tracing Datasets
by Jane Huffman Hayes, Jared Payne and Mallory Leppelmeier.

Automated Generation of Test Models from Semi-Structured Requirements
by Jannik Fischbach, Maximilian Junker, Andreas Vogelsang and Dietmar Freudenstein.

Toward Requirement Specifications for Machine-Learned Components
by Mona Rahimi, Jin L.C. Guo, Sahar Kokaly and Marsha Chechik.

Requirements Engineering for Machine Learning: Perspectives from Data Scientists
by Andreas Vogelsang and Markus Borg.

Implementation-centric Classification of Business Rules from Documents
by Preethu Rose Anish, Abhishek Sainani, Abdul Ahmed and Smita Ghaisas.

Requirements Engineering Challenges in Building AI-Based Complex Systems
by Hrvoje Belani, Marin Vuković and Željka Car.

Identifying and Understanding Stakeholders using Process Mining
by Shinobu Saito.

Classifying Multilingual User Feedback using Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning
by Christoph Stanik, Marlo Haering and Walid Maalej.