The workshop will take place on
(Each talk will be 20 minutes + discussion)
Session 1: Keynote
9:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Session 2: AI-supported Requirements Formalization
11:00 - 12:30
Toward Learning Realizable Scenario-based, Formal Requirements Specifications
David Schmelter, Joel Greenyer, and Jörg Holtmann
From User Demand to Software Service: Using Machine Learning to Automate the Requirements Specification Process
Lorijn van Rooijen, Frederik Simon Bäumer, Marie Christin Platenius, Michaela Geierhos, Heiko Hamann, and Gregor Engels
Automated Identification of Component State Transition Model Elements from Requirements
Kaushik Madala, Danielle Gaither, Rodney Nielsen, and Hyunsook Do
12:30 - 14:00
Session 3: AI-supported Quality Assurance of Requirements and Automated Requirements Classification
14:00 - 15:30
Detecting Domain-specific Ambiguities: an NLP Approach based on Wikipedia Crawling and Word Embeddings
Alessio Ferrari, Beatrice Donati, and Stefania Gnesi
Which Requirements Artifact Quality Defects are Automatically Detectable? A Case Study
Henning Femmer, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek
Automatically Classifying Requirements from App Stores: A Preliminary Study
Roger Deocadez, Rachel Harrison, and Daniel Rodriguez
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
Session 4: Discussion and Wrap-up
16:00 - 17:30
Discussion and Wrap-up
Automatically Classifying Requirements from App Stores: A Preliminary Study
by Roger Deocadez, Rachel Harrison, and Daniel Rodriguez
Toward Learning Realizable Scenario-based, Formal Requirements Specifications
by David Schmelter, Joel Greenyer, and Jörg Holtmann
From User Demand to Software Service: Using Machine Learning to Automate the Requirements Specification Process
by Lorijn van Rooijen, Frederik Simon Bäumer, Marie Christin Platenius, Michaela Geierhos, Heiko Hamann, and Gregor Engels
Automated Identification of Component State Transition Model Elements from Requirements
by Kaushik Madala, Danielle Gaither, Rodney Nielsen, and Hyunsook Do
Detecting Domain-specific Ambiguities: an NLP Approach based on Wikipedia Crawling and Word Embeddings
by Alessio Ferrari, Beatrice Donati, and Stefania Gnesi
Which Requirements Artifact Quality Defects are Automatically Detectable? A Case Study
by Henning Femmer, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek